
Data bank Eikasmós

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Eikasmos XXXIV (2023)
Table of contents
Code of conduct
Conferences and seminars
Conferences and seminars


Intended for scholars and students in the field of classics, and structurally inserted in the course of Filologia e letteratura greca of the laurea magistrale in Filologia, letteratura e tradizione classica, the Seminars in Enzo Degani's honour offer unpublished contributions – works in progress – of very important philologists. One hour is devoted to the presentation of the topic, and one hour to the discussion: these works are normally published in «Eikasmós».


Since some time the Classicists of the Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica of the University of Bologna organize a whole program of conferences and seminars, running through the academic year. The lectures are intended for a public not only of experts, but also of people interested in classics. The program offers a wide range of themes and texts: it gives the opportunity both of facing some well-known or unknown problems, and of hearing several and different voices: the speakers are scholars, coming from different schools and countries. Some of the meetings are traditional lectures (mostly on fridays morning at 11 a.m.), some of them are properly workshops (see Seminari Degani). The whole program is recognized as attività F (6 cfu) for undergraduates (laurea triennale in Lettere), and graduates (laurea magistrale in Filologia, letteratura e tradizione classica).
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Pagine a cura di Valentina Garulli, Camillo Neri, Francesca Tomasi, Caterina Franchi e Tommaso Vitale.