Bank «Eikasmós»
From this
page it is possible to enter the data bank «Eikasmós»,
yearly updated with the complete tables of contents of the review,
and an abstract of all the articles and reviews.
It offers several ways of searching and consulting all these data. Moreover, a link to Pàtron Editore's website allows users to enter the databank of the publisher and buy all the articles and reviews as searchable pdf files.
Credits for the data bank
Francesco Citti, Federico Condello, Francesca Delneri, Elena Esposito,
Valentina Garulli, Massimo Magnani, Camillo Neri.
Enter the data bank
Instructions for using the data bank
Data have
been organized in seven fields:
Section (I. Esegesi e critica testuale; II.
Storia della filologia classica; III. Recensioni e schede; IV. Segnalazioni
Abstract (words used in the abstract)
Key Words (indexed by the Latin name of the
main ancient author, the literay genre and the latin title of his work,
the latin name of another ancient author, ?idionimi?, placenames, technical
terms, etc.)
It is possible
to search using one of these fields:
in order to get all pieces of Enzo Degani, you must enter "Degani"
on the field "Author";
in order to get all pieces of the Volume IX/1998, you must choose "1998"
in the field "Volume" (drop down menu);
in order to get all pieces of "Esegesi e critica testuale",
you must choose "Esegesi" in the field
"Section" (drop down menu), etc.
or combining
two and more fields:
in order to get the contributions of Enzo Degani on Aristophanes apart
from the reviews, you must choose "Esegesi"
in the field "Section", enter "Degani"
on the field "Author" and "Aristophanes"
in the field "Key words", etc.).
In the page of the results, you can clic "enter the record"
of the searched article, and open it, read its abstract, and buy the full
text (as a searchable pdf file) through the data bank of Pàtron