LL | Latling: 12th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics |
Announcements and Call for Papers
Publication |
However, short lexical items occur with a status which is different from enclitics in the proper sense, there are other lexical elements which behave in a similar way. Various explanations of this phenomenon have been proposed: "weight" (pondus), a flaw of style (Marouzeau), 'weitere Enklitika' (Szantyr). In this paper, they are called para-enclitics. The main corpus from which data were collected consists of Plautus' and Terence's works, yet the research could be widened according as far as (mostly technical) possibilities would allow. In trying to cope with such difficult material, one can not rely on "Sprachgefühl", therefore statistical data should play a major role in the analysis. As clitics pertain to the domain of sentence phonetics, one can little but guess about its true vocal appearance. There are some difficulties in gathering the data, as parameters are textual as well as contextual, i. e. the definition relies heavily on the context and concerns grouping of several lexical elements. This paper focuses on the question of a possibility of clitic strings. They are inspected under several different viewpoints: 1.) defining the conditions under which they occur, 2.) establishing regularities in their internal order, 3.) categorising the regularities as rules or tendencies. |